Message from the Friends of the College-Rolando library:
We are calling on you to help once again.
You haven’t heard from us for a while, but we continue our resolute resistance to the loss of library parking. This spring, the city’s Development Services Division did approve the large hotel/residential project that will overwhelm parking accessibility for the library. That means, it’s time to renew our efforts. The Mayor and our Councilmember Sean Elo Rivera need to be made aware that this is a wrong decision for our library and our community.
The Union Tribune ran our opinion/commentary piece on Wednesday August 14. Click HERE to read the article.
We have a strong case. We just need our voices to be heard. Without access, this library is a wasted city investment. There is no street parking. Brief email messages are needed to show that we care, and we are calling upon them to act.
To Mayor Todd Gloria: [email protected] with copy to
Sean Elo Rivera [email protected]
If you are so moved, letters to the editor are powerful “reinforcers” of our message. (See instructions below)
Let’s stand united in support of our community and for our library.
Jan Hintzman, president of the Friends of the College-Rolando Library
A note on Letters to the Editor:
To be considered for publication, a letter must include a full name, community of residence and a daytime phone number (not for publication) and, if mailed, be signed. Send it to [email protected].
Letters may be edited, for length and clarity, with a maximum length of 150 words.